Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dock Update

Hey gang! Ok, here is an image of what i have up to date. I'm still working on some of the lamp posts like Nate's hook/sign/lamp post thingie on the right side of the image. As you can see i've made a 90 degree turn piece for the docks. I've also made a plank ramp and some stairs. Let me know what you think.


  1. The docks are looking perfect! Send me the stuff you have asap.

  2. 3 things after looking at this,compared to your ut ref, they're huge. which isn't really a problem, except for the fact that the gaps are MASSIVE compared to the character, and the stairsteps look like they're each about half as tall as the character?

    Also, side thought, we need a more interesting overhang for the chandelier.

    I'm not sure why we need to chamfer every corner. Thats really gonna rack up the poly count.

  3. I agree Nate, the gaps are "MASSIVE" but i also think that makes it a little more cartoonie/FreeRealmsy. If worst comes to worst we could always just move the planks closer together. I've also been chamfering the corners to avoid a "sharp" look on everything, but again if we don't want that I can just weld the vertices together. Also, what were your thoughts for the overhang? Send some reference. Thanks for the feedback Nate.

  4. Regarding the gaps; I'll reserve judgment once we get the level blocked out and we can see a POV. They'll be easily adjustable from there (although I am leaning towards a little too big atm). I have an idea for the dock layout that I'll post later that I think you'll all like^^

  5. Oh as well, great job Mister Keller, move on to your next assignment, I don't want this critiqued this way and that too much. The way things will read as a whole and how things read individually will probably require more adjustments.

    Just to put this out there and since we're on topic; There are three major "reads" to consider; long, mid, and close up.

    Long read - Many things as a whole from a distance, as in POV from the shoreline/cliff face/waterfall; this will rely heavily on the overall silhouettes of objects. In this case the larger cracks may add additional unwanted "detail" lines.

    Mid read - Standing on the docks: The shapes of the mid-to-small sized objects will be what's reinforcing the shapes. If the larger objects (buildings, ships) have too much high frequency detail (too many cross hatching shapes, or cross hatching at too high an interval) these mid-to-small sized shapes will be lost or lose their interest. Textures begin to play a part of read (do not worry about textures just yet).

    Close up - Most of the read will come from the small-to-mid sized props and textures. This means the larger props need to serve as the 'frame' for their composition, which brings us back to the reason we want the larger objects to be simplified.

    This is in no way directed towards Trevor specifically. This is what I'm expecting from everyone. As your Art Director and co-leader I am responsible for the overall look, so contact me by phone if you have any questions or are unsure of the shape. If I don't answer, I WILL call you back, so leave a message.

    Thanks guys and keep up the good work!
