Friday, August 7, 2009

Parrot Beak Cove Block Out

Ahoy mateys, tis' yer second-in-command Glenn-Brando here to give you scurvy lot a tour of our home for the next few months!


It's currently just a block out to get an accurate feel, and test out the space. After walking around through here, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to need to scale a few things up, like the walkways on the docks and the size of the crags to fit structures onto them for example. All these images are from UT3's editor, though the FOV in-game is identical (ie; things look deceptively expansive until you actually walk around in the environment- time taken to walk from the fort in the lower right of the screen to what will be the waterfall path at the top of the screen in the image shown below: 7-10 seconds). Major buildings have yet to be imported (I need all major structures by SUNDAY people!)

Here we have a parrot's eye view of the cove from the air. In the foreground we can see the two islands that will serve as a minor cannon encampment and observatory (left to right), accessible via rope-planked walkways. Nestled in the center of the cove are the pirate docks which are built around two large crags. I only have Alex's ship in atm to get a feel on how big the major hero prop needs to be in comparison to the rest of the area, and how to incorporate the rest of the 'fleet' and not have everything too crowded. At the far end we can see the hidden pathway (and entryway to the caves scheduled for node 2) that allows foot travel from one side of the cove to the other. Planning on making trigger volumes for small boat travel across the cove as well.

Here we have a possible beauty shot from behind the fort walls on the southern side. 80% of the compositional views from around the cove has the Pirate Ship as the main view of interest, with the waterfall being the accentuating prop.

View from along one of the paths on the south side, outside of the fort walls. Below will be assorted tents as well as a restaurant to our left (out of view). I also think I will incorporate a couple more buildings on this side depending on how crowded it starts to look. I want to avoid too much clutter on this side to balance the busyness of the dock end.

Here we have a tree-top view at the top of the cliffs, just south of the waterfall. The open space at the lower left of the image will contain the restaurant and perhaps another house or two. We can see the small sliver of beach that the small boats are... uh, beached on.

Pictured above is the view from the path right before the secret behind-the-waterfall-path (that becomes pretty obvious the closer you get to it as you explore around the cove). To the left we can see the area that will house the aforementioned huts/houses/restaurant. We start to see more of the docks on the right. The Pirate Ship is still the major shape, with the fort, observatory, and crag-docks acting as accents.

Other side of the waterfall path, 2nd level. Crag-docks start becoming focal point, introducing the player to the heart of the docks.

Tree-line view from the north. We can see the path we just crossed behind the waterfall, as well as a smaller boat dock and the 2nd in command's quarters at the top of the smaller crag (haha!). Also pictured is a gigantic light bulb with an "S" that stands for "Sony." :D

Here we have a pathway view from near the end of the cove, right before the rope-plank walkways that lead to the cannon encampment and observatory crags. We can see the circular loading dock that leads into the aft munitions loading bay of the Pirate Ship. The larger also will have about 3-4 buildings built into it, with the top containing the Captain's Quarters.

View to the right, rope-plank walkways to the outlying small cannon encampment and observatory tower crags. Even without the Pirate Ship in main view, compositionally we have a balance of the negative and positive spaces formed between the water and the cove and its structures. The fort walls, observatory, and small cannon encampment share the spotlight in this shot, with the a foreground element to be included in the empty shelf below (to be explained a few pictures down).

View from outlying crag 1 (cannon encampment). The Pirate Ship starts to become the primary focal point again.

View from crag 2, from atop the observatory tower. In the high shallow shelf right above where the beached small boats are will be the brawler's pub/eatery/building that has a large deck that extends over the water.

Future site of a Starbucks(tm).

Just kidding! If there's enough room, there will be another smaller house here as well, next to the Brawler's pub/restaurant/eatery. It's situated close to the docks so that our rascally band of pirate-folk can easily make their way there from the docks after a long voyage of... plundering and discovery?

View from the Brawler's Pub deck/balcony. I can't imagine a more beautiful view while tossing down a nice cold mug of Saspirilla after a hard day's pirating!

After passing the time listening to big fish stories with yer mateys, we travel down to the docks...

...and take a gander at our beautiful ship, the Leviathan. Ain't she a beaut?

(note: gonna make it bigger after some critique)

Dock view from Leviathan's aft section. Let's head back down to the docks and toward our craggy docks...

As we travel down to the center of the docks, we see the lower dock section of the crags. The extreme difference between the two crags was a test to see how geometry would read. After consideration and critique, the final crag will more resemble the crag on the right, with rockiness implied by textures. The docks will be populated by various unloaded crates, loot, and some stands of produce for quick consumption. If we travel to our right...

We end up at one of the smaller docks near the 1st mate's crag. The winding plankwork around the crag is a quick mock up to test the width. It will need to be slightly wider, and still needs support structure and hand railings.

Dock view from my- I mean the 1st mate's quarters above the crag. The sheer size of the Leviathan will dominate the scene even when in the background, in scalar comparison.

View of the Leviathan from the cliffside entryway to the docks. Note that the Leviathan is framed by the two crags, with the defensive line of the fort fence in the background,- three major elements in one shot! I think I'm going to change the stairs to have them wind around at the bottom, in both directions, to open up floor space for another building.

Parrot's-eye-view of the cove. Hmm... there's something interesting about the shape of the docks from up here...

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