Sunday, August 2, 2009

Reminders and Screenies

- Guys just a reminder, send your files to me as .objs per the instruction from Ian's list (I view them in max, and use max 2008 x64bit) and in one combined saved file. There being one of me and so many of you and so many models, I don't want to open and export every single model.

- Send them to me in one combined saved file, but remember to have them saved on your own hard drive as individual pieces with the correct naming convention. If I personally effect any changes, you will retrieve the file from me at our next meeting or I will e-mail them to you in a combined file, whichever comes first, where you will then seperate them and append your current naming convention (ie; wk4_Tent_Arnett_7.max, where "7" is the current iteration).

- Utlize the UT3 character model as a scale reference. While the scale can be adjusted, I'd rather you keep to scale so we only have minor adjustments later. If you do not have the UT3 model, let me know.

- When posting screen shots, I want individual screen grabs of objects as well as a combined shot (I can't see some of the smaller objects at a glance). The individual screen grabs can be at a lower resolution.

This is mandatory. If you do not know how to export as an obj I can have Nate post another tut.

I view the blog multiple times on a daily basis, so I see everything that gets posted, even if I'm not currently posting... and I'm keeping notes.


Your Co-Lead and Art Director

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