Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Adjustments

Hey guys just got off work! Glad to see some people have been busy bees and producing and critiquing and helping each other out. I think I'm going to be making sunday afternoon THE deadline for turning things in for adjustments. That way you have Sunday night through Wednesday night (that's FOUR nights) to adjust and seek additional help/critique if necessary.

Just got off work so this evening is dedicated to looking at what everyone's submitted and making adjustments.

In no particular order, starting with Nate's ship; the trim on the boat is perfect (maybe a little bigger?), and the crates and various small objects are pretty much flawless. Boat looks great, but silhouette still reads a bit stiff.

Here are some changes I want effected;

Reference this image for main mast silhouette only: Thicken up the main mast and add the indicated bends, Also slope the forward ropeline that connects the top of the mast and the bow of the ship. The 'spike' (for lack of a better word) at the front could also use a stronger bend on the underside as indicated in the above image.

This is for the hull shape, cabin door, and uh, steering column(?) - bow it out a bit more, and bulge the cabin and aft section, like this please.

You've been producing alot of work Nate, great job and I hope you can keep it up! Remember to get some sleep too~

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