Friday, July 31, 2009

** Alpha Baking Tutorial **

Hey guys. Please watch the tutorial I made on alpha baking
(if its to big for your screen, just hover over the bottom of the video and a toolbar will pop up with a "fullscreen" option on the right)


  1. Not a bad tutorial, but you don't really need to bake alphas like that. You can simply bake your normalmap with padding 0, just make sure to save the file as a 32 bit file. You will end up with a normal map texture and the alpha map in your alpha channel. Hope that helps.

  2. What Said said is true, but remember that if you bake normals with 0 padding it can cause seams depending on the geometry.

  3. Interesting... I still like my Alpha channel in Photoshop though! And old and true way of doing it!
