Friday, July 31, 2009

modular building stuff part one

i re-used a few post in the last models to double as support here is some of the modular building pieces so far

bucket, cannon, wood sign and post, cannon balls, sun shade, clothes line, boat wheel

Update on WIP Docks

Hey guys. Ok, so what I have here are six primary planks that i've used to create a long and short section of dock. I've also modeled some pillars for the sides of the dock...i think i only made five (can make more if needed). To tie it all up i put some simple beams underneath. I'm going to make a large square piece that we can use for intersections and i want to make some curved sections of dock, but should i just alter the primary six planks so that they serve these purposes or should i model new planks for the large square section/curved section?

food stands

ok so I did some food, meat and other stands feel free to make it stronger if you like

** Super-efficient Unwrapping tutorials **

Please take a moment to watch these unwrap tutorials demonstrating my technique. It can be much faster, more accurate, and much more efficient than roadkill.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

** Alpha Baking Tutorial **

Hey guys. Please watch the tutorial I made on alpha baking
(if its to big for your screen, just hover over the bottom of the video and a toolbar will pop up with a "fullscreen" option on the right)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

WIP Dock Planks here is how i spent a good portion of my Advanced Level Design class. I'll have the dock pillars finished soon.

Week 3 Assignments + Naming/File Conventions

Nate: Pet Accessory + Saspirila Pub + Props

Austin: Modular Buildings + Props

Glenn: Point of View Concepts + Props

Trevor: Dock Props

Alex: Galleon

Shawn: Props

Jesse: Props

Ian: Awesomeness


Dock Assets:
Modular Dock Planks - Trevor
Modular Dock Pillars - Trevor
Rope Pile - Nate
Hanging Rope - nate
Crates - Nate
Treasure Chest - Nate
Barrels - Trevor
Dock-style Stairs - Trevor
Lanterns - Nate
Arch/gate - Trevor
Bucket - Austin
Anchor - Trevor
Boat Bumper - Trevor
Boat Tie Downs - Trevor
Fishing Pole - Shawn
Fishing Net - Nate
Fish/Fruit/Bread/Meat Stand - Jesse
Flag Pole - Jesse
Lantern Post - Trevor
Leather Baloons - Nate
Ladder - Trevor
Chains - Austin
Cannon - Austin
Wood Sign Post - Austin
Cannon Ball Pile - Austin
Sun Shade - Austin
Shovel - Shawn
Brazier - Glenn
Harpoon - Jesse
Spear - Jesse
Oar - Shawn
Stool - Shawn
Chair - Shawn
Table - Shawn
Clothes Line - Austin
Flag - Jesse
Plank/Ramp - Trevor
Pile of Wood Planks - Trevor
Pile of Logs - Trevor
Bird Cage - Nate
Boat Wheel - Austin
Bench - Shawn
Mugs - Nate
Plates - Nate
Pitchers - Nate

Environment Assets:
Palm Tree - Jesse
Fern Bush - Jesse
Twisty Tree - Glenn
Small Shells - Ian
Broken Shells - Ian
Crag - Shawn
Dock Crag - Shawn
Beach Bon Fire - Ian
Cliffside Grass - Ian
Drift Wood - Ian
Rocks - Ian
Tent - Ian
Lobster Traps - Nate
Beach Chair w/ Telescope - Shawn
Large cliffside Trees - Glenn
Brush - Ian
FAT STUMPY trees - Ian
Pirate Weapons! - Nate

Naming + File Type Convention:




Export Models as: OBJ

Save "beauty shots" of models and concepts as 1024x768 pixels, one item per image. As JPEGs at 100% Quality.

I took Nate's suggestion about switching the wizard tower to a voodoo hut. I looked at some cartoon voodoo stuff online a came up with this. To make it more "piratey" Glen suggested adding the eye patch to the voodoo head.


Added some freerealms-esque pinstriping and made the sign and figurehead bigger

I took Ian's idea and came up with this tent setup that was nailed to a cliff wall.

Pub Colortest

Added anchors, sign, figurehead, and colortest

we might be able to go a little more vibrant, but I noticed that freerealms, while vibrant, seems to use what's appropriate for the area. if anyone else wants to do some color, that would be great.

Boat Color Test

Some color schemes, need to make more but I need sleep.


Hurray Colours!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boat House thing

Kinda started with the Brawler's hut as a start, but I think it's far from the brawler house idea. Anyway, going for the simplified shapes and Toy-like quality. Also saw a FreeRealms ship off google images (got the huge log shapes from that).


Here's one way to liven up the pub's color.

Glen, if you could do a better color scheme that would be great.

Also, it's gotten to the point that we really need a color theme and palette for the area. Buildings especially.

Some Ideas for using shells

I used some of Ian's comments on my plants to make some more concepts. I made some seaweed growing on shells washed on the beach, or they could be shoved somewhere in the cave. I also made a giant seashell that is jammed in the water around the shallow part of the docks that could be a seashell bar and grill with moveable seashell doors. Let me know what you think. Im not too confident in my coloring so any body who wants to color it should make an attempt to do so.

Some Ideas For The Dock Path

I drew up a closer detailed idea of how we can make a couple of pieces of wood and repeat them so we can make an easy pathway for the character to use both out on the dock and inside the cave. It is just a portion but if anybody wants to color it, we could put it in front of any shop building on the dock.

Few Concepts

I took a look at Ian's list of things we still need concepts for. So i came up with some stuff for a Wizard, Post Office, Card Duelist, and the begining of an Adventurer's camp. The post office is built around a ship. The ship itself is used for the messanger pigeons that fly in and out of the rear of the ship.

Less Detail?

In response to the concept detail thing... here's the boat Nate drew, with less detail. Does it look more like FreeRealms? What do you guys think? (less detail on left, more detail on right)



I have class with asa (right now) and while i was commenting on the blog he said "theres no way you're going to get that done".

Anyway, he went on to talk to me about the blog, the direction we're going, and the lack of communication.

In short, Asa says (I'm paraphrasing here):

Make the cove more closed in
Split the map into 2 nodes, one as the cove/lagoon, one as the cave.
More on the docks, less on the beach, some on the cliffs.
A different name than Parrots cove as "Pirates Cove" is a famous company or something...?

And we need to be talking to him much much more. Apparently Glen and I are the only ones he's had any convo with since week 1.

Also, we need to stay in the style of FreeRealms more with our concept art. We need to be paying attention to the style sheets SOE provided us. I need to use less detail and more style. Austin needs his buildings to retain style while being "less warped" (wobbly??). And we need more building and asset concepts, rather than terrain.

And we need the group as a whole to be doing more.

PaperMap02 Color WIP

I ended up warping it a little to try and get the smile back from the previous iteration, and bring back the "parrotness" of it (it was a bit crow-like, sorry Ian!) although I think I like the initial liquify shape the best (the one from class).

Cave Interior Color Test

No buildings or structures added yet, getting a feel for the space, and adjusting for possible composition problems.

I added an additional ceiling opening at that south east dead end, without it it'd be too dark and dead. I also scaled down the size of some of these interior pillars; otherwise they end up being too restrictive and closed in.

The mid-range I think is best of the above Ambient/Sunlight test. Adding in firelight should warm up the scene a bit more in pockets of blue, and the contrast between the torch lights and the ambient blue would look good.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

update X 2

Logo Concept sketch

Ian mentioned at the team meeting that the Parrots Cove logo needed some lovin', so I scribbled this down.

Let me know what you think. If you guys like it, I'll go ahead and do a vector cleanup.

Also, I never recieved comment on the "L" logo for team Leviathan. I'm hoping that was because everyone liked it (lol) but if not, feel free to comment on that as well:

Monday, July 27, 2009

Almost there!

So, we're getting to the point where some actual 3d work can start...

Here's a list of what we have concepteed, and what we still need:

what we have:

Saspirilla Pub
Archer Trainer
Pet Accesories
Post Office
Brawler's Hut
Armor Shop
Overlook/Observation tower

We have a few generic buildings, which is okay, a few more wouldn't hurt.
Here are some specifics of what we still need with some thoughts.

Adventurer's Home - Adorned with treasure inside the cave
Ninja's Hut - up on the cave wall, maybe you need to climb to get to it.
Miner - Inside the cave, maybe by the Lagoon cave entrance.
Warrior - Maybe included in the cannon game we've been talking about?
Wizard - There's magic in the game, no reason for it to not be a flying boat or something cooler!
Kart Driver - easy, a boat driver instead! your classic used car salesmen typed thing would be funny.
Chef - We should have more than one, which leads to the idea of having a restaraunt, or cafe. Or both!
Card Duelist - I'm not sure if a casino would fly... or some piratey games to go along with it.
Explorer - I'm thinking placing this near where the node 2 entrance is, would be good... some kind of indiana jones like deal. a tent, with surveying equipment strewn about.
A stage! We threw around the possibilities of pirate music, what better place?
Pirate bowling alley - if not included with the Warrior building.
Restaraunts - Indoor anad outdoor. on the docks and in the cave. Imagine a deck that is suspended over the main dock area, and out into the water a bit, with tables and chairs. Pretty cool!
Cafe/outdoor bar - something simple I do believe. There's a zone in Free Realms where a building, that looks exactly like all the others, has a starbucks coffee cup stuck out on a stick above the door... yep.
Fisherman - The ideas are really endless. I think having two would be cool. But a strung up hammerhead shark would really be cool. Fishing poles set up with strings in the water, neds, lobster cages, etc.
bumper boat shop - boat parts hung up on walls, a couple boats outside on carts maybe

here's a higher-res version of the paper map, reworked a bit.

Plant Concepts

Sorry for the lack of posts everybody, kinda hectic time. But here some plant concepts i have been working on. Ill bust out some more and change the ones i have when i get your guys's feedback. Peace

a few buildings

Pet Accessories Dealer

Incorporated Trevor's idea for the dog bone anchor. Tossed in animal crates, bird cages, pet food bowls, Canine Figurehead, Paw Print Jolly Roger, cat-scratching post, etc.
It would be nice to have a few crates (on the dock) with some posts with a line of pet clothes hanging from them.

THE papermap.

So, here we have it. The map we'll be building drawn out fairly clearly. Now it's just up to placing concepts in certain areas (ie. buildings in spots), figuring out how we want to do the terrain (in unreal or model it all, or both), and getting started with some good 3d stuff!

Overview of Node 1

Inside Cave Close

Dock Closer

Sunday, July 26, 2009

a splash of color

Hey, pushed the bends, made some tweaks, added some stuff, slapped a tiny bit of color on. If someone wants to do a paintover on this that would be good.

Sense of Scale

So, I woke up a bit ago, and sat down, and decided to sketch something out before attempting to head back to sleep

I took a perspective from atop a cliffside close to where the observatory/lighthouse (which needs a good concept!) is, and sketched out something for a sense of scale.

back to sleep with me.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saspirilla Pub Blockin

Hey guys, Here's a blockin/rough idea of the Saspirilla Pub we were talking about. I'll clean it up and add props and interest soon

Fortress: Try Again

Okay, well. per Emer's comment on the fortress, I did this and made the leviathan skull more "shark like"

Though, realistically, a leviathan is often percieved as a sea dragon. I personally think the other skull works better, and looks cooler. But Tell me what you guys prefer.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Concept Dump

Sorry it took me a bit to get this up. Work work work!

Atop is the WIP sign/logo for our project. It will have a couple "jungley" trees, some treasure, and maybe one of those speed boats we've been chatting about zipping around it.

If any of you would like to populate the logo, let me know, I'll send you a higher resolution version of it.

Avast ye artists! Don't ya forget tha' meetin' on the 'morrow, or I'll h'ave yer 'ead!



Here's glens papermap with the parrotization and tightening.
If someone has time to do a cleaned up detail map before I do, please post it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Skull Fortress of the Pirate King!

A Leviathan once terrorized the seas 'round Parrots' Cove. And so, the good Pirate King did slay the beast, and shared with his brethren a feast from his victory. And with the skull of the demon fish, he raised a fortress. A proud symbol of his power and greatness, that guards Parrots' Cove, and serves as his home.

So here's something along the lines of what I envisioned. Needs various props tossed about it. But i (admittedly) already put too much time into this for today....

See you guys in a few hours. Time to get some sleep.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

another concept

sorry guy I havent been posting just today I figure how to work this blogger but any ways some ideas for island for shops like the black smith, a meat shop so forth well see what works and what dont

Concept Dump

Searching for a picturesque money shot view, incorporation of Nate's concept elements. I made a quick block in map in max to explore the shape and layout. In the distance right above the waterfall you can barely make out the ruins. Perhaps it is only visible from the (wise elder's?) Skull house, where the player gets the quest to go there.

Quick paint over concepts out of my drawing pad;
1) Suspended bird/nest idea
2) Crag shapes and set up
3) Tree deck (could be more boat shaped or have boat elements)

POV concept exploration and layout definition of cliffs. The trails could lead behind the falls and serve as a footpath to the hidden Pirate's Lair.

More house and cliffside concepts based on suggested ideas;

1) Nesty (bird people idea)
2) Sea Snail Houses
3) A turtle shell house?

Cliffside birdhouse application

Literally a boathouse in a tree lol
Mebbe when it's low tide they 'drydock' for repairs, and set off during high tide. IDK, the boat could be more nut-like to make the idea more feasible I suppose.

Before I forget, about names, while working on these concepts (before the previous few posts were made) I was thinking maybe Parrot Cove? The Parrot's Cove? Parrot kinda sounds like Pirate, maybe the birds are actually the pirates. Also, Parrots seem synomymous with pirates (being on the captain's shoulders and such, but then what would be on the parrot captain's shoulder...? hmm. Plus they're colorful.)

Also :P