Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pirate Cove WIP

Hey guys, hope you all are having a good (and productive!) weekend so far.

Here's a WIP for a Pirate Cove inlet, we (viewer) are looking out a large cave that serves as the pirate ship's dock. This is just a mean layout of the land and a search for possible beauty shots in-game. The topography of the hills/cliffs will most likely change to accomodate pathways and domiciles.

I'm thinking houses could be built into the walls of the hills, with pathways in front of them (beginnings of pathways and stairs on left), and perhaps "a wise elder" lives on the island crag at the end of the pathway. The pathway could wind up the cliffs which lead to node 2 (jungle and mayan/aztec/whatever ruins). I'm also planning on having the pathway continue over the mouth of the cave entrance (sort of framing it) and over the other side to more houses.

One of the things I noticed about FreeRealms zones are how expansive the spaces are; even interior spaces like caves are pretty big scale-wise in comparison to the player's character, we definitely need to keep in line with that.

I'll post more later, including a top down paper map, and some other views, but I got work from 8-5pm sunday.

I want people to start thinking about what kind of houses we're going to be doing. I'd like for you guys to block out some silhouettes, if I can get at least 5-10 from each of you that'd be great. If you want to do more, fantastic. Again, I just want silhouettes, we want to make sure it reads well before we start going into detail. Please send them to me via e-mail as I don't want the blog cluttered up.

Also think about what kind of props we want in here so we can make a list of what we need to conceptualize and model. We will have large, medium, and small props obviously, so think of ideas in that respect, at least five each. E-mail me those as well and I will compile and redistribute them after I've conferred with Ian.

Thanks guys.


  1. I like your idea of surrounding islands. It would give us great posibilities for mini games/nodes. You mentioned something about a "wise old man" and I thought that would be perfect to include Nate's awesome skull house concept... maybe the wise old man is an old sailor who now lives in the skull of his "ultimate catch". Think Captain Ahab if he had caught dick... just an idea.

  2. I'm down with trevor.
    We could make it the skull of a leviathan. Or a giant fish thing, like a leopluredon or something
