Wednesday, July 29, 2009



I have class with asa (right now) and while i was commenting on the blog he said "theres no way you're going to get that done".

Anyway, he went on to talk to me about the blog, the direction we're going, and the lack of communication.

In short, Asa says (I'm paraphrasing here):

Make the cove more closed in
Split the map into 2 nodes, one as the cove/lagoon, one as the cave.
More on the docks, less on the beach, some on the cliffs.
A different name than Parrots cove as "Pirates Cove" is a famous company or something...?

And we need to be talking to him much much more. Apparently Glen and I are the only ones he's had any convo with since week 1.

Also, we need to stay in the style of FreeRealms more with our concept art. We need to be paying attention to the style sheets SOE provided us. I need to use less detail and more style. Austin needs his buildings to retain style while being "less warped" (wobbly??). And we need more building and asset concepts, rather than terrain.

And we need the group as a whole to be doing more.


  1. talking to you and austiin, it seems we can get it done, and with creating everything in a modular sense, i don't see why it couldn't get done. We'll just be modeling a lot, and using very simple textures for a lot of it, and reusing things.

    If he really doesn't think we can do the whole thing, then we could just as eaisly split the zone into two. Start the players by the lagoon, send them into the cave, entrance blocked off by the waterfall.

    As for the name, there are actually several companies with the name, none of which I've heard of before. Regardless... keeping with the land formation idea, and parrots:

    The Cape of Parrots
    Cove of Parrots?
    Parrot Cave?
    Parrot Beach?

    Talking to him can be done, I suppose he didn't get the E-Mail I sent him on Friday. Not to be argumentative, but communication levels with him can be increased.

    sticking to the style more? Maybe I don't quite understand, but it seems the concept art we saw is just as detailed (if not more in some cases) than ours is. Maybe it's just me, but I completely fail to understand how we need less detail. Maybe if the concepts gave no hint at texture they'd look simpler?

    As for the group thing, I can't exactly force people with my overbearing will to do my bidding. Unfortunately, this is school, and I'm sure Asa's seen it all before.

    I ran into our favorite achedemic director a few days ago, and he did mention that the hardest part of the whole thing is actually getting every member of the team to contribute.

    If people don't shape up before week 5, there will likely be some hedge trimming.

    I understand some people may not be very good at concepting... but that's no excuse. I'm awful with drawing, but I still get something done, something presentable.

    I've heard from two people in the team that they don't understand how to post on the blog?
    I'm afraid that's not a very good excuse. We're game artists... if a blog can defeat you... I'm not sure how on earth you'll make it anywhere.

    Maybe I'm ranting, but I'm off to class, see you all tomorrow, post what you have today.

  2. There are a lot of places with the name "Parrot's Cove" (Virginia, Bolinas, Belize, Houston, Arcadia, Christiansted, etc) as well as Pirate's Cove, so I don't think we'll have a problem. Besides, this is for educational purposes (which is the caveat of copyright law if I remember correctly).

    I'll be working on various things today, my main focus will be on repairs according to Asa's critique, and attempting to create some solid visuals to convey exactly what we are trying to do so that our ideas are not taken out of context (which is what I think is happening).

    Although, I do have a humble suggestion;

    Parrot's Beak Bay

    The funny thing is, Google Web Definitions define a bay as "an indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove..."


  3. Parrots beak bay sounds a little better.

    I'm down for Parrot's Lagoon.
    ...Longbeard's Lagoon?

    As far as the detail level, He was moreso referring to our drawings needing to match the style more. Less straight lines for me, more stability for austin.

  4. Well, we're making a cove. A cove is a "bubble" of water in a shoreline, held in by two capes, which are pointed chunks of land that shoot out into the water. Ours is more or less like that, and is actually a Cove, and it's far too small to be a bay.

    I think Parrot Beak Cove would work best.

    I see where Austin's concepts could be a little hard to read, they're very sketch-like, lots of loose ends and the like.

    If we can get more concepts like the cave ones you did, Glenn, with buildings thrown in, that would be fantastic, and as you said, I think it would deliver what we want to do in a more visual sense.

    there are TONS of straight lines in FreeRealms, many of which are broken up by not being north/south east/west straight, but at slight angles, objects that narrow or widen at the ends, similarly, the textures tend to be broken up.

    Also, Let the round be round. if it's a ship's hull, the round part of it can just be left alone. There are lots of long curves that are "straight curves" with no variation in it at all, but it's curved from every perspective, so it looks good.

    A couple examples. I don't think much needs to be done to the concepts to perfectly tie them in with Freerealms honestly.

  5. "...they don't understand how to post on the blog..."

    Wah? huh? To get to this point in their program and not know how to post! AARRGH!! This is a travesty!

  6. And this is why we like Emer folks.

    New team name: Team "This is a Travesty!"
