Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Concept Dump

Searching for a picturesque money shot view, incorporation of Nate's concept elements. I made a quick block in map in max to explore the shape and layout. In the distance right above the waterfall you can barely make out the ruins. Perhaps it is only visible from the (wise elder's?) Skull house, where the player gets the quest to go there.

Quick paint over concepts out of my drawing pad;
1) Suspended bird/nest idea
2) Crag shapes and set up
3) Tree deck (could be more boat shaped or have boat elements)

POV concept exploration and layout definition of cliffs. The trails could lead behind the falls and serve as a footpath to the hidden Pirate's Lair.

More house and cliffside concepts based on suggested ideas;

1) Nesty (bird people idea)
2) Sea Snail Houses
3) A turtle shell house?

Cliffside birdhouse application

Literally a boathouse in a tree lol
Mebbe when it's low tide they 'drydock' for repairs, and set off during high tide. IDK, the boat could be more nut-like to make the idea more feasible I suppose.

Before I forget, about names, while working on these concepts (before the previous few posts were made) I was thinking maybe Parrot Cove? The Parrot's Cove? Parrot kinda sounds like Pirate, maybe the birds are actually the pirates. Also, Parrots seem synomymous with pirates (being on the captain's shoulders and such, but then what would be on the parrot captain's shoulder...? hmm. Plus they're colorful.)

Also :P


  1. excellent series of concepts. However, for the two large "gateway" crags, I think having some kind of observatory-esque building would be cooler, Similar to what was drawn prior. I think saving the skull house for someone really important (like a mayor, as nate said) would be very very cool.

    Maybe the cave behind the waterfall was dug out by this leviathan? Not only do we have cool caves, pools of water, boat houses, docks, etc.. We can have the skeleton of a leviathan. It would certain bring the place to life.

    If we're sticking with the parrot idea, then I think having suspended homes on the outside would be better than sea shells or turtle shells... but there's no reason we can't have a little of it all.

    If we mix the shells along with some of the previously created boat/plank buildings, it might turn out to be a strong point of interest.

    As for the cliffside concepts... they're great! Though we'll have to throw some static things in there to spice it up, maybe not buildings... we already have tons of them!

    If we do place suspended bird homes on the cliffside, I think mixing it up, and having the homes only on one side of the waterfall/cave entrace, while the opposite side has something else.

    The hanging boat and ramp is awesome as well. That's something I'd like to see get done without a doubt.

    Team Leviathan
    Creating Parrot's Cove

    I think that sounds rather fantastic.

  2. I like the name Parrot's Cove, and agree with ian about the observatory/watchtower. I also really like the turtle shell house idea.

    Asa seems to be on board with the new concept, but said our layout is too big. Also, incorporating parrot-y things is a good idea, but the characters in free realms are fit into the rest of the world, and can walk in any node without looking too out of place. I think trying to create evidence of a race of parrot people will clash with the rest of freerealms. However, I like the hanging buildings and especially the hanging boat.

    Asa also mentioned that we should avoid making everything from boat and sea parts, and rather, make the area feel distinctly "Piratey". Not just beach/island. The boat-house i posted with the palm trees before is an example of something that needs to be more piratey. If you can look at it, and not instantly think pirates are involved, it needs more piracy. Right now, its just a boat and oars. ...I'll try to spruce up the idea a bit more later.

  3. im really liking the shell houses, not so much on the bird house idea....i think if we do a bird creature we should make it some kind of new creature to fight or maybe one of the bad creatures that you fight through out the game in those blocked off areas

    turtle shell is sweet...i could see that going in a very good direction maybe a hotel?

  4. oh also maybe instead of the bird nest thing maybe some sweet pirate style tree houses?

  5. I keep meaning to watch all the pirates of the caribbean movies but.. who the hell has time? lol
