Saturday, July 18, 2009

We may have to meet prior to Week 2.

Now that the presence of a giant tree (albeit not quite the same idea as ours) is known... it does seem we should push our project in a new direction.

3rd time is the charm, right?

Please share your ideas, and/or build off of other ideas...

To build off of nate's pirate "dock" idea... I think something that's more tropical, cove like, with lots of steep cliffs and thick jungle would be cool. Maybe a race of person-sized parrot people live there. That would add all sorts of cool possibilities for living spaces, from nests, to hanging houses, you name it. Built from ship parts? Awesome. This would still have lots of opportunities for cool props in a wide variety, and we could not only create rock formations and beaches, but push the work into a thick lush jungle. ancient ruins anyone?

Which leads me to another idea.
Think southern north american and south american ruins from ancient civilizations. Free-realms it up with voodoo spirits. nifty thought. Maybe incorporate a "basecamp" of explorers, which would be part of node 1, with temples and shrines of various types, strange statues of monsters and animals... again just thoughts.

A miniaturized world. A domain of giants, where everything is huge. Players will run into massive oversized objects, spoots, chairs, things like that. This would certainly add for some fun ideas, players running into classic mouse-holes in the walls of a giant's house, fighting off rats, stealing back cheese, what have you.

I'm unsure if free-realms has a cityscape. If not, I think that would be a brilliant idea. To get a sense of scale and size, I think playing WarHammer Online, and running around in their two major cities would give you a strong grasp of how much stuff there really is to do in a large city. Mix it up a bit with some burning buildings, a giant crater, sewers, and maybe a castle, to avoid the drudgery of tons of buildings.

Please, share your ideas here, build on eachother's. I'm surprised nobody (by that I mean the developers that were there) said they already had a giant tree... strange.

Regardless, if we can find a way to incorporate the concepts that have been posted already, we certainly should. I like the skull that's turned into a home... large bone graveyard would be cool!


  1. The mayan ruins/ voodoo thing sounds pretty cool. I don't recall quite seeing that in the game yet.

    The parrot culture could definately blend into (austin's [btw]) pirate idea.

    With the city idea, keep in mind that everything in free realms needs (according to soe) to have a handcrafted feel. and essentially each realm in the game is a city.

    As far as the mini-world. Sounds kinda cool, just note that we would need to make things exceptionally large, as (you can see in the game) all of the existing assets are rather oversized. (try standing next to a light post or walking on a bridge. You already feel miniature).

    Ian, maybe you can come up with a deadline for us to have the general direction decided, or perhaps voted, upon, so we can start doing theme-specific concepts?

    Personally, I'm leaning towards the pirate dock idea, or the voodoo/ruins thing.

    whatever we decide. We should make sure that it is unique to the game; log in, run around, and scour the world for anything that looks too similar to what we're going to do.

    Awaiting orders, Captain.

  2. I had mentioned to Nate on the phone today that Trevor also had suggested a pirate idea last thursday after class (in repsonse to Asa telling us that the tree thing had already been done many times by past prototyping teams), so I'm pretty sure he's in favor of that idea as well.

    I am also in favor of the pirate idea, and Ian paints exactly the picture I had in my head. I also like the idea of a lush tropical jungple that leads to ancient ruins (another idea I actually pitched to Asa after class in response) as node 2. He said with rock textures we need to worry about everything looking like stone, but I think we can side-step that danger with enough research.


    Tiny islands off the main island can make a very picturesque vista, especially during susnets (money shot!). Maybe one of them has those Easter Island heads on em. Perhaps a mini-game could be to find lost pirate treasure, with the treasure being buried somewhere different every time they play it (dynamic placement).

    A tropical reef to swim through, akin to Hanauma bay on Oahu. I once swam with sea turtles there, perhaps that could be the avatar of the reef.

    More mini-game ideas from this: Fishing, surfing/bogeyboarding, para-sailing, canoe paddling, jet-ski.

  3. I like the pirate dock/cove idea. It would give us tons of room for many different node ideas (dock, small fishing town, jungle, caves, ships, etc...) as well as even more mini game posibilities. I'm free mon-thur next week if the group needs to meet. Have to work weekend.

  4. Just remembered another idea before I forget; sea-shell houses.

  5. count me as an official vote 3 for Piratery

  6. count me for vote four on the pirates, we also need to all check around the free realms world to be absolutely sure there are no pirate cities. me and nate checked but it is a big place and being extra cautious wont hurt

  7. I like the pirate theme.
